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Finding the ideal work-life balance -
Finding the ideal work-life balance -
We take a look at what it truly means to have a healthy career, whilst also finding plenty of time for home life as we ask that all-important question as to whether an ideal work-life balance is even possible.
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Finding the ideal work-life balance

Work life balance seems to have been a hot topic for a while with many a business realising that stressed workers result in anything but productive staff during working hours. With life seemingly more under pressure than ever before, and with the working week getting longer, rather than shorter, the question is whether an ideal work-life balance even exists within the modern world.

It also seems that this term is thrown around with little understanding as to what would actually constitute an ideal work-life balance.

Here, we take a look at what it truly means to have a healthy career, whilst also finding plenty of time for home life as we ask that all-important question as to whether an ideal work-life balance is even possible.

Ideal work-life balance: What does it even mean?

The ideal work-life balance may mean different things to different people, however generally it would most likely focus in on some mix of the following factors:
  • A working life that provides for career opportunities,
  • A home life that provides for time to look after one’s health
  • Weekends and holidays that allow sufficient time to look after chidlren, and spend quality time within the family unit
  • A working life that benefits from each person having had sufficient resting time after all of the other considerations listed above have been met.
Home-Based White Collar Franchises | Flexible Executive Business Opportunities
Home-Based White Collar Franchises | Flexible Executive Business Opportunities

Is it really achievable?

The average working week within the UK stands today at 48 hours (Daily Mail, 2014), which is pretty staggering considering that the majority of positions pay for only a 36 hour week.

What’s more, with gadgets becoming an increasingly ingrained part of life, workers may be constantly connected via phone and email, leading to a situation where we are never truly ‘off’ from work.

When all is considered it seems that, as an employee, achieving any sort of a healthy work-life balance is far from achievable.

What is the answer?

Being a franchise owner can most certainly help you in achieving a healthy work-life balance. It can provide the opportunity for you to build a business where staff work under you, whilst you focus on building up the business and growing that always important bottom line.

It can also serve to fit around you and your home schedule, so that you can be there to pick the kids up from school and undertake all of the other tasks that usually fall by the wayside.

Home-Based White Collar Franchises | Flexible Executive Business Opportunities

Of course reaching a successful level where income, workloads and home life are in perfect balance takes time and, for the first twelve months at least, franchise ownership is a seriously hard slog of early mornings, late nights and working weekends. Thereafter however the equilibrium between work and home begins to be redressed… a situation that hardly looks likely as an employee in today’s world.

There are many White Collar Franchise opportunities available that offer a business that is home-based or part-time. Alternatively you can have your own executive franchise and chose the hours that you want to work.

Here are just a few examples of franchises that can offer you to achieve a healthy work-life balance:

Business Doctors

Home-Based White Collar Franchises | Flexible Executive Business OpportunitiesPersonal Investment Required: £10,000

Overall Start-Up Cost: £35,700

Business Doctors is a fast growing and proven Consultancy Franchise. No consulting experience is needed but you do need, motivation, initiative, commitment and good people skills.

As the economy improves, the potential for continued growth is huge. Combining your effort, skills and experience with their proven systems, you will have the opportunity to earn a six-figure salary working comfortably with just a handful of clients.

All franchise owners are fully supported and provided with a ten-day training programme.  A suite of powerful tools and with a collaborative network on-hand, starting your own Consultancy Franchise couldn’t be easier.


Home-Based White Collar Franchises | Flexible Executive Business OpportunitiesPersonal Investment Required: £6,995

Overall Start-Up Cost: £6,995

Eazyloyalty is committed to helping small businesses thrive by utilising mobile technology, while also enabling you to build a successful home business with excellent earnings and repeat income in a huge untapped market.

When you become an EaziLoyalty business owner, you have the opportunity to deliver a product that is unique with high earning potential. Your income is generated from upfront setup fees. You will also benefit from a healthy recurring monthly income.

EaziLoyalty are looking for individuals who want to operate a successful and profitable business. Full training will be provided.


Home-Based White Collar Franchises | Flexible Executive Business OpportunitiesPersonal Investment Required: £6,000

Overall Start-Up Cost: £9,000

Telecommunications is a resilient and growing industry sector estimated to be worth £39 billion each year in the UK alone. Over the last 13 years the Telcoinabox Business has enabled over 200 individuals and organisations to become part of their Telecoms Franchise.

The size of the opportunity depends on your own personal drive and ability, and there are certainly no limits to the earning potential.

You get premium support, backed by reliable and cost-effective systems.  Telcoinabox take care of the 'heavy lifting'.  They also manage the relationships with the networks, take care of the billing and technical support whilst also working closely with you in sales and marketing.


These are only a few examples of White Collar Franchises that offer a flexible work-life balance. Why not have a look at the various categories of franchise opportunities or use our Search facility to find the right franchise for you!


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Executive franchises and Management franchises from White Collar Franchise. Explore starting a professional business to business franchise, management franchise or executive franchise opportunity. UK Franchise news, franchisee case studies and franchise resources are all available to help start your own white collar franchise.

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