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Active Future
Active Future
Active Future give you everything you need and more to grow your sports management business. As a network they are devoted towards helping and the betterment of all children’s lives. Their end goal is to have 1 million active kids each and every week benefiting from their fantastic programmes.
Active Future
Franchise Information
  • BFA Membership Status-
  • UK Years Established3 years
  • Current UK Coverage5%
  • Franchisee Support Staff7
  • Total Startup Cost£15,000 approx
  • Territory-based business locationYes
  • Business to consumer servicesYes
  • Franchisee employs staffYes
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Sports Management Franchise

 Transform Your Passion for Sports into a Thriving Business with Active Future!

Active Future guarantee that in the first year of trading franchisees will earn more than £100k or have their franchise fee back!

Grow a significant management franchise that impacts your community running your own Active Future Sports Franchise. 

Active Future has been born out of many years testing and measuring and researching the movement, sport and activity market. Understanding what makes children stay active and what makes them leave sport and movement.

Rather than focusing on the traditional sports such as football, rugby and netball Active Future use a variety of non traditional children's sports to get and keep them moving. When you add this to their school programme and also their events and funded projects the ability to impact your local communities in unrivalled.

Being an Active Future Franchisee gives you a feeling of worth knowing the impact you are having on children's lives.

Join A Market Worth £12.5bn!

Active Future's inclusive and multi choice approach means that as a non prescriptive activity supplier they have a greater opportunity to capture this huge market based on the fact that young people can enjoy movement and play by doing something they enjoy and want to repeat and can also take part in additional and varied activities. Active Future believes this gives them more skills and confidence and establishes a more rounded skillset to help deliver future aspirations.

Sports Management Franchise | Sports Franchise

Why choose Active Future?

The Active Future Sports Management Franchise is one of the most profitable franchises on the market today. For the right candidate, their franchise model offers a rewarding business opportunity that is financially lucrative and emotionally fulfilling.

Active Future have built a comprehensive Ecosystem of interlinked products that provides you with the platform for success. As a franchisee your role is to simply follow the processes and deliver the ecosystem with their support and guidance.

You are provided with everything you need and more to grow your business. As a network Active Future are devoted towards helping and the betterment of all children’s lives. And their ambitious but 100% achievable end goal is to have 1 million active kids each and every week benefiting from our fantastic programmes.

A Unique Offering:

With an Active Future Sports Management Franchise, rather than focusing on the traditional sports such as football, rugby and netball Active Future use a variety of non traditional sports to get keep people moving. When you add this to school programmes and also Active Future's events and funded projects the ability to impact your local communities in unrivalled.

Sports Management Franchise | Active Future Franchise

Active Future Education - Active Future works with schools and education departments to provide expert and fit for purpose schemes. Whether it’s an after school club, curriculum delivery or a specific project. This will be based upon the needs of the children and will be supported in evidence and inline with current guidelines.

Sports Management Franchise | Active Future Franchise

Active Future Sports - With sport being the most common movement activity there is a high focus on sport within the Active Future programme. However, much of this will be free play and child directed. One of their most celebrated programmes are the Free Play activities where children get to choose exactly what their provision looks like.

Sports Management Franchise | Active Future Franchise

3v3 -Active Future has partnered with leading brand 3v3, allowing you to get more children playing and increase your potential earnings. By adding 3v3 Active Future would expect you to add a minimum of £30,000 turnover to your business with high profit margins. 

Sports Management Franchise | Active Future Franchise

Active Future Events -These events bring to life popular TV Programmes and video games to motivate people to get out and be active. Active Future are always looking to innovate and find new ways to push the boundaries to get and keep people moving.

Sports Management Franchise | Active Future Franchise

Active Future Projects - As experts in their field Active Future are often consulted on and contracted to run specific projects. They often work with large public bodies such as councils and health departments to deliver publicly funded projects. These can be single school projects to large scale schemes lasting multiple years

 Active Future Franchise | Sports Management Franchise

Wraparound Care - As part of their Education Products Active Future have added WrapAround Care to their Ecosystem. This is likely to be the most significant product addition since Active Future’s formation. It will allow their network to engage many more families in meaningful movement.


An expected minimum of £50,000 of Awards in the Funded Projects category.

A large growth area of Active Future impact been Funded Projects. They expect each franchisee to receive a minimum of £50,000 of Funding.(most franchisees experience significantly higher rates).

Active Future are the UK’s largest HAF Provider with an amazing track record of delivery. They will write your first HAF Application for you and help you every step of the way with in depth training. They also have an internal bid writer who will support you for other funded projects.

It is this area that will provide you with the biggest impact on your community. Allowing you to reach segments that your commercial work cannot.

There’s no better feeling than knowing that you have made a huge impact on a young person’s life.

How much can you earn? 

In order for Active Future to be successful and make an impact it is critical that each franchisee builds a successful Sports Management Franchise. They expect their franchisees to exceed a turnover of £100,000 in year one with a 40-50% gross margin. Year 2 they would expect that to increase significantly as you scale your activities. A full breakdown of financials will be provided in your discovery call.

Sports Management Franchise | Active Future Franchise

The Investment: 

To run your own Active Future Children's Sports Franchise, you will need an investment of £15,000 plus VAT. 

Government Funding Available:

The cost of the franchise can be totally funded by the excellent Government backed Start Up Loan Scheme. This Loan scheme does not require personal guarantees nor security and you can borrow up to £25,000 and pay it back over 5 years at 6% per annum.

What do you get for your investment?

  • Funding through the Start Up Loan Company to launch your sports management business
  • Support in finding and filling your first two venues
  • Bid writing completed for your Funded Projects
  • Support and tasters provided to obtain School Sport Premium Funding
  • Open Day to Launch your business supported by Active Future Staff
  • Applications to the Forest completed for your Hunter Products
  • Your first year accountancy completed and paid for by Active Future
  • Comprehensive Training
  • Market leading and ongoing support including one to one sessions
  • Full kit and Equipment Pack
  • In house telemarketing team to support your growth
  • A huge ecosystem of products to grow and scale your business 

Find out more about running your own Sports Management Business in your local communtiy with Active Future.
Click below now!

Why Choose Us

An amazing ecosystem of products to help you be successful

The best support package in the marketplace

A wonderful team of like minded franchisees to help you on your journey

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